In the face of adversity, Tish Tilley emerges as a resilient soul shaped by unforeseen challenges. The termination of a decade-long commitment to corporate life amid the pandemic catapulted her into a period of unemployment, prompting a profound reevaluation of her life's trajectory. Undeterred, she redirected her energy, embracing the role of a full-time serial entrepreneur as a fashion stylist, model, and proprietor of an online resale boutique.


Despite her dedicated efforts, the financial success she envisioned proved elusive. Undaunted, Tish invested substantial sums in training for acting and modeling, resulting in her winning 1st Place awards at the Model & Talent Expo in 2022. However, agency doors remained closed, casting a shadow over her aspirations. Frustration mounted as doubts and existential questions infiltrated her thoughts.


Financial struggles led Tish back to the corporate world, only to encounter closed doors and mounting bills. Health scares further exacerbated her predicament. A sudden and alarming episode involving blood from her left breast propelled her into a whirlwind of medical tests, amplifying the emotional and mental turmoil. Jobless and lacking health insurance, the uncertainty surrounding her health compounded her challenges.

In this dark period, Tish experienced the disappearance of her romantic partner, the vanishing of friends, and a deep, isolating abyss. Despite the love of her family, loneliness crept in, intensified by the loss of what she believed was a secure life. Broken and disillusioned, her world seemed to crumble in an instant.


As Tish grappled with internal demons and uttered affirmations of healing, relentless health scares persisted. Flashes of light in her right eye and soaring blood pressure added to the physical toll, yet, by the grace of God, it wasn't cancer. Amidst the wreckage, she confronted a broken heart and shattered dreams. Alone and on the verge of surrender, the grace of God became her anchor.


Through stumbling blocks and unmet expectations, Tish persists on the journey called life. While not in the desired destination, her faith in God propels her forward. Each morning's awakening serves as a testament to a higher purpose. The scars remain, but so does the unwavering belief that destiny is carved for her, pulsating deep within her soul.

QSM: Let me start of by saying that it is a pleasure to be speaking with you today. Going through a layoff during the pandemic and subsequent health scares must have been mentally and emotionally draining. How did you maintain your resilience and faith during such challenging times? Were there specific coping mechanisms or support systems that helped you stay positive?

Tish: To be honest, I know it was nothing but God that has kept me through all these trials and tribulations. I spent a lot of time not even wanting to wake up or removing myself from my bed. I would just lay there, sometimes numb and sometimes just crying until I fell back asleep. I had family and friends that would call or text to check on me from time to time, but I still felt alone regardless of their efforts. There was nothing specific that I did, I just kept waking up. That is how I knew it was nothing but God. He has a purpose for me. I don't know what that purpose is yet, but I am still waking up, so there is something in His plans.

QSM: Facing unexpected health challenges can be overwhelming. How did your experience with health scares and the emotional toll they took on you impact your perspective on life and your career choices?

Tish: Facing unexpected health challenges took me for a loop and it is still not over. I don't know if this is TMI but I am now going through a bleeding that won't stop. No pain or anything, just release of blood daily. I almost feel like the woman in the Bible with the issue of blood. Of course, it has not been 12 years, but it has been a few months as of right now. I have been to the doctor, tested, put on medication, and they said it was my hormones and stress. I literally have been just trying to calm myself down DAILY, eat healthy, drink water, and think positive. When this hemorrhage started, I was so scared. I thought to myself, GOD SOMETHING ELSE TO FIGHT AND WORRY ABOUT??? But I am just trusting God with this and if He wants to take it away, He will heal me. I literally have still been showing up to work through all of this. Mentally it has been a very emotional thing. Because I have a physical job now, I have to be friendly, talk to people daily, and do physical labor all while bleeding and no one knows what I am going through. Challenging? I would think so.


QSM: Praying for healing with you! Winning 1st Place awards at the Model & Talent Expo in 2022 must have been an exciting achievement. Big Congrats on that! Can you talk more on the challenges you faced in not getting signed to an agency despite these accomplishments? How did you navigate through that period of uncertainty?

Tish: Winning awards at the Model & Talent Expo was a dream. During the ceremony, somehow my social media pages got hacked. I started receiving texts from people that I personally know because the hacker was reaching out to them trying to get money. I went into a panic during the ceremony, it was crazy. I could not even enjoy receiving the awards because I had received the bad news, literally while my name was being called to enter the stage. Talking about DRAMA! I use my social media platforms to reach clients for modeling and styling. I had to start all over and am still recovering from that. It is 2024, I still am not signed. My dream and desire was to model print and act in commercials. It has not happened yet, so I question, is that what I am supposed to be doing with my life? No representation, no action. So I am moving forward and just trying to hear from God and what He wants me to do.

QSM: Your journey involves a diverse range of roles in the fashion industry, from styling and modeling to owning a resale online boutique and designing. How do you balance these different aspects of your career, and what have been the most rewarding aspects of each role?

Tish: I have navigated through the different roles by balancing my time for each role. The most rewarding aspect has been knowing that I can do it and seeing smiles on clients faces after delivery.


QSM: Let’s talk more about the turning point in your life when you decided to transition from a corporate job to becoming a full-time serial entrepreneur in the fashion industry. Congratulations on taking that leap of faith. What motivated you to make this significant career shift?

Tish: Being laid off is what inspired me to go into entrepreneurship. I have tried it for 2 years now and it has had its ups and downs. Financially, it has not been consistent, so I have recently returned to the workforce. I have gotten into a lot of debt while pursuing entrepreneurship, people don't talk about that part of it. So now I am back to clocking in. And if times permit, I will still do things of fashion. But right now, my focus is on just getting back on my feet financially so I will be able to afford to pay my bills and just live a simple life.


QSM: Your story emphasizes the importance of self-love and belief in oneself. How do you personally practice self-love and maintain a positive mindset, especially during moments of doubt and discouragement?

Tish: PRAYER.....daily devotion with God.


QSM: As a fashion stylist and personal shopper, what advice do you have for individuals looking to enhance their personal style and confidence? How do you approach helping clients feel good about themselves through their appearance?

Tish: Be comfortable, be you, be free. I help clients feel good by speaking positive affirmations into them and letting them know that they are beautiful and handsome. I try to exude positive energy and light into every life that God places in my hands.


QSM: Please share links to where people can follow and support you.

Tish: Phone: (972) 814-5052, Email: Tishtilley1@gmail.com

Instagram: Username - @therealtishtilley

Facebook: Username - Tish Tilley

TikTok: Username - @therealtishtilley

Photo credits:

Model: Tish Tilley

Photographer: @lionelwhytephotography

Pose Coach: @blu3modelcoachingllc


