In recent years, social media has provided a platform for individuals to express their unique perspectives and build supportive communities. However, it has also given rise to a distressing phenomenon: online trolling. As a plus-size influencer, you possess a powerful voice that challenges societal beauty standards. Unfortunately, trolls may target you with hurtful comments and negativity. But fear not, for there are effective strategies to combat trolls and cultivate a positive and empowering online presence.


Recognize and Understand Trolls

The first step in combating trolls is recognizing their behavior. Trolls seek attention, thrive on conflict, and aim to provoke emotional responses. By understanding their motives, it becomes easier to disengage and avoid falling into their traps. Remember, trolls are not interested in a genuine discussion; they are looking to incite reactions.

Maintain Emotional Resilience

Trolls often use inflammatory language and personal attacks to elicit an emotional response. Developing emotional resilience is crucial to combat their tactics. Remind yourself that their comments are not a reflection of your worth or intelligence. Take a step back, breathe, and consider the bigger picture before responding. Your calm and composed demeanor will not only frustrate the troll but also discourage further engagement.

Don't Feed the Trolls

"Troll-feeding" is a common mistake individuals make when engaging with trolls. Responding to their provocations only fuels their behavior and gives them the attention they seek. It's essential to resist the urge to retaliate. Instead, consider ignoring or blocking them. Denying trolls the attention they crave diminishes their impact and discourages their actions.

Respond Wisely and Positively

While it's tempting to engage with trolls, responding to their negativity may only fuel their fire. Instead, choose your battles wisely. Ignore or delete hurtful comments that contribute nothing to the conversation. If you decide to respond, do so with grace and dignity, addressing the issue calmly and firmly. Redirect the conversation towards constructive dialogue, promoting education and understanding.

Report and Flag Inappropriate Behavior

Social media platforms have community guidelines and reporting mechanisms to combat trolls and maintain a safe environment. If you encounter a troll, report their behavior to the platform. Most platforms take such reports seriously and take appropriate action against violators. By flagging and reporting trolls, you contribute to creating a safer and more enjoyable space for all users.

Exercise your write to Unfriend and Block

Standing up against disrespect is crucial. If you come across someone being disrespectful on your digital platform, don't hesitate to take advantage of the unfriend, unfollow, or even block options at your disposal. Remember, out of sight, out of mind. Nevertheless, it's worth noting that a mere difference in opinion doesn't always translate to disrespect.

You hold the reins in shaping the environment of your online presence. Encouraging open dialogue and diverse perspectives among your "followers" is paramount. By doing so, you foster an atmosphere where everyone feels empowered to have a voice while simultaneously maintaining a respectful space.

Embrace Self-Love and Confidence

As a plus-size influencer, your journey to self-love and acceptance serves as an inspiration to many. Embrace your body and recognize that your worth is not determined by others' opinions. Cultivate confidence and develop strategies to protect your mental well-being. Remember, the trolls' negativity reflects their insecurities and biases, not your true value.

Build a Supportive Community

Surround yourself with a supportive network of like-minded individuals, including fellow plus-size influencers, friends, and followers. Foster connections through engagement, collaboration, and shared experiences. This supportive community can uplift your spirits and provide the necessary encouragement during challenging times. Together, you can amplify your positive messages and counteract the impact of trolls.

Monitor and Control Your Online Presence

Take charge of your online presence by employing effective monitoring and control measures. Regularly review comments and messages to identify potential trolls. Utilize social media settings to filter or moderate comments, ensuring that only constructive and positive engagement is visible to your audience. Blocking individuals who persistently engage in harmful behavior is an empowering way to maintain a safe online environment.

Educate and Advocate

Use your platform as a plus-size influencer to educate your audience about the harmful effects of trolling and cyberbullying. Raise awareness about the importance of body positivity and the need for inclusivity. Share personal stories, tips, and resources to empower others in dealing with trolls. By educating and advocating, you help build a stronger, more supportive online community.

Practice Self-Care

Remember to prioritize self-care as you navigate the world of social media. Engage in activities that bring you joy and promote mental well-being. Take breaks from social media when necessary to recharge and reconnect with yourself. Prioritize your mental health and seek support from loved ones or professionals if needed.


As a plus-size influencer, your presence on social media has the power to challenge stereotypes, inspire self-love, and promote inclusivity. While trolls may attempt to undermine your efforts, implementing these strategies will help you combat negativity and cultivate a positive online environment. Remember, you are an agent of change, and your voice is vital in the fight against body shaming. Stay strong, embrace your uniqueness, and continue to inspire others with your empowering messages of self-acceptance.


