Joi R. Fisher-Griffin, affectionately known as Joi Renee, is an experienced runway model passionate about reshaping the fashion landscape. Returning to the runway after three decades, Joi isn't merely staging a comeback; she's diving headfirst into the exhilarating fashion world alongside her daughter. Now specializing in plus-size and mature modeling, she's shattering norms and setting new beauty standards.

But Joi's journey isn't just about appearances; it's a profound exploration of self-discovery and empowerment. With a radiant smile, she eagerly attends boot camps and workshops, immersing herself in every aspect of the ever-evolving modeling industry. Beyond the glitz and glamour of the catwalk, Joi is a multifaceted individual—a passionate educator, advocate for family and belonging, and accomplished author.

Currently pursuing her doctoral degree in Educational Leadership with a focus on adoptive and foster families' school experiences, Joi's commitment to education and empowerment knows no bounds. As she struts down the runway again, she carries the rich legacy of her family's fashion roots, infusing her journey with heritage and pride. With her daughter as her ally and a fierce determination to succeed, Joi isn't just aiming to reignite her career; she's poised to inspire and uplift all who dare to chase their dreams.

As an adoptee, Joi has triumphed over countless obstacles, chronicling her experiences in a memoir that echoes with resilience and hope. She strives to break the silence surrounding adoption and mental health, initiating candid conversations about these crucial topics. Through her advocacy and storytelling, Joi is making a tangible difference in the lives of adoptive and foster families, urging us all to embrace our unique paths and celebrate every moment with grace and empowerment.

As a model, Joi says to embrace your age, your curves, your gray, and your journey. Be seen, heard, and uniquely you – the epitome of style and grace. In a world that tells us aging is a flaw, we find joy in every moment, embracing our grace and wisdom. Let's redefine beauty to be inclusive of all, making our own seat at the table. Life is about growth and evolution. So, let's celebrate every line, every laugh, every curve, and every moment. Finding joy is not just possible; it's our declaration of self-love and empowerment.


In her downtime, Joi finds joy in community service, singing, music, research, technology, creating, and designing things. Her message of embracing one's journey, cherishing every moment, and championing inclusivity resonates deeply with her work and personal ethos. Joi's journey transcends the runway—it's a powerful testament to the transformative power of self-love and resilience, inspiring others to embrace their narratives with pride.

QSM: Can you tell us about your journey returning to the runway after three decades, and what motivated you to dive back into the fashion world alongside your daughter?

Joi Renee: The idea of stepping back into the modeling world has always lingered in my mind, especially as I recently witnessed more mature models shining in commercials. Despite my daughter's persistent invitations to join her at the castings, I hesitated, fearing I might not fit in.

But then, after she attended a few castings and returned home with the revelation that I could have gone too, I realized I had to seize the opportunity. So, when the next casting clearly stated that ALL ages and sizes were welcome, I took the leap.

Entering that casting room unprepared was nerve-wracking, but seeing the surprise on my daughter's face as I strutted out from the runway made it all worth it. With her mouth hanging open, she exclaimed, "I didn’t know you could do that! I should have been learning from you all this time."

Although we weren't cast in that instance, I was fully committed. The spark reignited, and suddenly, modeling became "our thing." Our journey took us to the next casting for Harlem Fashion Week, where both she and I were chosen. And from there, the adventure continues to unfold.


QSM: Your focus on plus-size and mature modeling is incredibly inspiring. How do you believe your presence in the industry is reshaping beauty standards and challenging norms?

Joi Renee: While I'm still finding my footing and reintegrating into the industry, I recognize that my individual presence may not single-handedly reshape it. However, it's the collective representation of individuals like me that truly makes an impact. When models of diverse backgrounds, ages, and sizes are chosen for shows and commercials, we're not just modeling clothes – we're reshaping the industry itself.

We represent consumers who have long been overlooked or underrepresented in mainstream media. We're the ageless beauties, bringing our unique style and stage presence to the forefront. In my view, challenging the norm isn't just a possibility – it's our reality. We're the norm, reflecting the diverse beauty that exists in the world.

The truth is, there are countless women worldwide who wear a size 12, yet the beauty industry often fails to acknowledge them. And let's not forget those with silver-gray hair, who are just as stunning. Beauty knows no bounds, and it's high time industry embraces and celebrates that diversity.


QSM: Beyond your modeling career, you're also pursuing a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership. How do you balance your academic pursuits with your passion for modeling and advocacy work?

Joi Renee: Finding balance? Oh, you've hit a funny bone there because it's a constant dance for me! In the past, I'd eagerly say "Yes" to every opportunity that caught my eye, only to realize my plate was overflowing. But hey, I've learned to embrace the power of "No" or a polite "My plate's full, but thanks!"

To really nail down that balance, I took a deep dive into my daily routine. I scribbled down every hour of my life over three days and noticed a pattern – too much time lost in the online rabbit hole and then the need to catch up with coursework. That's when I decided to draw up a list of absolute must-dos each week.

Now, I've got a schedule where coursework gets a solid thirteen-hour block, modeling scores five, advocacy work grabs two, and the weekends and evenings are reserved for research, getting creative, and prepping social media content. Oh, and let's not forget precious family time!

So yeah, while balance might be a never-ending quest, I've got my roadmap to keep me on track – and when an unexpected opportunity comes up, I make adjustments.

QSM: Your memoir chronicles your experiences as an adoptee and touches on topics of resilience and hope. Can you share with us how your personal journey has influenced your advocacy for adoptive and foster families?

Joi Renee: Imagine this: my passion for family and belonging stems from encounters I've had with adoptive and foster families who've truly tested my perspective. Take, for instance, a former colleague who found himself repeatedly leaving work to attend to his child's schoolyard altercations. Each time, he was at his wit's end. Little did he know, his daughter was being teased for not resembling him – she was adopted. And her Dad didn’t know I was adopted. It was a moment of clarity for me. I realized I had stories of my own to share – of facing similar comments about not looking like my father. It was a journey of resilience that I shared with her, and seeing her face light up let me know I could help people deal with things I never talked about.

Those encounters, coupled with meeting other adult adoptees and adoptive parents, ignited a fire within me. They inspired me to embrace my own narrative and share it with the world. It's incredible how seemingly ordinary moments can lead to life changes. It's a reminder that our experiences, no matter how unique, can connect us in unexpected ways and empower us to inspire others.


QSM: In a world that often fixates on youth and perfection, you advocate for embracing age, curves, and the journey itself. How do you hope to inspire others to redefine beauty standards and celebrate their unique selves?

Joi Renee: Let's face it, we're the ones tripping ourselves up in this comparison game. Constantly measuring our everyday appearance against perfectly filtered photos or professionally made-up faces only sets us up for body image and self-esteem issues. I worked with young girls, and I’m telling you, our children are suffering. We need to flip the script and tell our stories! I aim to inspire others to own every ounce of their being. I tell the girls, from my quirky personality to my big forehead, my age to my raspy voice, my long legs to my allergy eyes, and yes, even my breasts and stomach – I’ve struggled with it all, and over time, I’ve learned to embrace it all, and I hope talking honestly about overcoming those challenges helps others.

I'm not about to slap on makeup every single day or filter every post to perfection. My videos? They're raw and unfiltered, just like me. Because guess what? We're all wonderfully unique in our own way, and it's high time we owned it!

After the chaos of this COVID-19 pandemic, life's too short for self-doubt. Let's find beauty in our authenticity! But it will take a team effort to push for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the beauty industry and redefine those standards. I want people to stand tall, embrace their uniqueness, and show the world what real beauty looks like!


QSM: Your commitment to community service, music, and creativity is evident in your downtime. How do these activities contribute to your overall sense of empowerment and fulfillment?

Joi Renee: Well, thank you for noticing! Community service, music, and creativity are like my secret sauce for a fulfilling life. Community service fills me with this incredible sense of purpose. Giving back and being part of something bigger than myself brings me joy.

Now, when it comes to music, oh boy, that's where my soul truly sings! At school, at church, or in class, a presentation must have a music break, and any announcement is better if it can be presented as a song. Music has a way of lifting my spirits. Singing is my therapy, my escape, and my ultimate form of self-expression.

And then there's creativity – my trusty sidekick in navigating life's twists and turns. Whether writing, designing, or brainstorming wild ideas, tapping into my creative side fuels my imagination.

So, yeah, you could say that these activities aren't just hobbies for me – they're my lifelines. They keep me grounded, inspired, and empowered to tackle whatever life throws my way. And hey, if, along the journey, I can spread a little joy and inspiration to others, then I'd say I'm living my best life.

QSM: Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for the future, both in your modeling career and in your advocacy work? How do you envision continuing to make a positive impact on the fashion industry and beyond?

Joi Renee: ​​Ah, the future – it's a canvas waiting to be painted with dreams and aspirations, and this question is pushing me outside my comfort zone to dream! In my modeling career, landing some background, commercials, or print work or being able to strut down runways would be great. As the gray hairs glisten from my hair and my size remains in double digits, I hope to help promote inclusivity. I want to showcase diversity in all its forms – whether it's body size, skin color, or gender identity – because beauty knows no bounds.

As for my advocacy work, I envision diving even deeper into causes close to my heart. I hope to recruit and interview adoptive parents in the coming year to inquire about their experiences in K-12 schools and I want my platform to spark meaningful conversations and drive positive change.

Ultimately, my goal is simple: to leave the world a little better than I found it. And if I can do that by strutting my stuff on the catwalk or speaking up for those whose voices often go unheard, then count me in. Together, we can shape a future where beauty is celebrated in all its diversity and fashion becomes a force for good in the world.



